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Memory includes overall memory, verbal memory, and visual memory.

How might the person with FASD be affected

May have trouble remembering things that happened yesterday (short term) or in the past (long term) - including school work or daily routines

Failure to remember and learn from experience

Often don't remember things in the correct sequence e.g. recounting the day at school or giving evidence in court


Tips for managing these difficulties

Be consistent with words or terms used

Break information into smaller chunks

Present information in a variety of contexts e.g. crossing the road at a crosswalk - go to different places so they don't think it only applies to the crosswalk outside school

Find strategies that work for the individual and helps them memorise information or facts

Be organised (e.g. first, next, last)

Be direct

Provide visual aids

Include nature and real life experiences

Use music and rhymes (clapping, tapping, singing)

Play matching games

Provide opportunities for learning or play where there are fewer distractions, quiet environment (make cubby out of big box)

Provide lots of opportunities for practice & repetition (make it fun and OK to make mistakes)

Make eye contact when working one-on-one

Write things down and draw pictures

Present information in a clear, simple and short format (e.g. lists or timetable)

Ask them to repeat information back or summarise the main parts of the conversation

Use other cues to help their memory - clothes lined up at child’s door so they are aware of school days and weekends

For a teenager or adult with a mobile phone, program alarms and information on the next activity or appointment, a reminder that they need to go to the bus stop or buy their food, pay their electricity account


RETURN TO: Common difficulties and tips