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He has problems he is not the problem

Little is known about the challenges non-custodial youth detention centre staff face supporting young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). We undertook qualitative inquiry to identify and describe the perspectives of non-custodial staff detention staff regarding the value of an FASD prevalence study. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and focus groups and analysed using thematic network analysis. Staff held few concerns about the prevalence study and its impact on participating young people; however, they identified barriers related to study processes, and practices and culture within their workplace, which hindered gaining maximum benefit from the research and its findings.

Publication: Youth Justice

Date: August 2019

Authors: Hamilton, S.L, Reibel, T, Watkins, R, Mutch, R.C, Kippin, N.R, Freeman, J, Passmore, H.M, Safe, B, O’Donnell, M, Bower, C
