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We encourage non-English speakers who need help interpreting information on this website to contact us between 8.30am – 4.30pm (Western Australia time) on (08) 6319 1824. If the phone is not answered, please leave your name and phone number and we will call you back.

We will then connect you with an interpreter in your preferred language using the National Translating and Interpreting Service. This service will have no cost for you.



FASD Hub Australia cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information translated via the language translation service. We do not accept liability for any loss suffered due to reliance on these translation services. It would be advisable to obtain independent professional advice in relation to any information translated using the external website translator service from this website.


Fact sheets in other languages

The fact sheet 'Alcohol and Pregnancy: What you need to know' includes information about how alcohol crosses the placenta, the risks of drinking during pregnancy, and advice for a healthy pregnancy.

It was developed by a panel of subject matter experts and is available to download and print in ten languages.