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Workshops and Forums

FASD and Justice - held in association with the 2nd Australasian FASD Conference in Perth in November 2018

With over 80 participants, this workshop was facilated by Renu Burr and included presentations and case study discussions.

The day was summarised by the graphic recorder Will Bessen

Graphic recording from FASD and justice workshop

final communique on presentations and activities has been published. 


Youth Justice and Health Forum

This FASD and Justice Workshop identified a need for ongoing discussion and action on youth justice and health. A Youth Justice and Health Forum was held in Perth in November 2019 with more than 50 people attending.  The purpose of the forum was to share knowledge about the health of young people who are justice-involved, and to learn more about the experiences and needs of front-line workers. The forum sought to empower front-line workers as they continue to advocate for the needs of justice-involved children and young people, including their physical and mental health needs, social and educational needs, and needs associated with disabilities. The forum was designed to provide a space for attendees to share their views and experiences of the work they do, as well as their aspirations for the future. 

summary report was prepared by the Organising Committee for this project. This report provides an overview of the forum and will act as a reference point for workshop attendees.