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Advanced Neuropsychological Treatment Services

Nature of clinic

FASD assessment clinic, Private practice

Range of health professionals at the clinic


Type of services provided at the clinic

Assessment, Initial management, Ongoing management

Where referrals are accepted from

General Practitioners, Other medical specialists, Psychologists, Allied health professionals, Child protection services, Justice Departments

How the clinic bills

Fee - advised when person contacts the clinic, service or practice

Ages that the clinic provides services for

Adults (> 18 years)

FASD experience and training

All of our staff have completed FASD training and we have established the first private FASD clinic for adults in NSW. Our team of specialist clinical neuropsychologists are experts in assessing neurocognitive functioning for the purpose of establishing diagnosis. We also have expertise with substance use disorders, which many adults with FASD experience. We provide holistic intervention and can develop thorough treatment plans, which involve regular follow up with our clients. We provide both individual and family interventions, as well as training for health professionals. Our goal is to help our clients achieve theirs.

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