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The FASD Research Australia CRE was funded by the NHMRC in 2015 with work commencing in 2016. The intended activities were to: 

  • Generate new knowledge and integrate it with existing evidence to develop and test models of prevention, diagnosis and interventions for FASD 
  • Develop pathways for translating successful models into policy and practice nationally, through engagement with stakeholders and the wider community
  • Recruit, support and develop high quality researchers capable of developing the evidence base and using it to engage in partnerships for effective research translation
  • Establish an enduring national collaboration on FASD-related research to sustain a program of research and research translation beyond the life of the FASD Research Australia CRE

There are two research centres based in Perth and Sydney led by FASD Research Australia's Directors Professor Carol Bower (Telethon Kids Institute) and Professor Elizabeth Elliott (University of Sydney).