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Better Life Centre

Nature of clinic

FASD assessment clinic

Specific health professionals at the clinic

Dr Sarah Pollock, Clinical and Clinical Neuropsychologist

Michael Duhig, Educational and Developmental Psychology Registrar

Sue Park; Speech Pathologist;

Sylvana Spina, Occupational Therapist


Type of services provided at the clinic

Assessment, Initial management, Ongoing management

Where referrals are accepted from

General Practitioners, Paediatricians, Other medical specialists, Psychologists, Allied health professionals, Families, Child protection services, Education Departments, Justice Departments

How the clinic bills

Medicare bulk-billed, Medicare plus additional fee, Fee - advised when person contacts the clinic, service or practice, Negotiated with families at initial appointment

Ages that the clinic provides services for

0 - 4 years, 5 - 11 years, 12 - 18 years, Adults (> 18 years)

FASD experience and training

The Better Life Centre staff have completed assessments and provided support to several clients following training in the Australian National Standards and two-day training at Gold Coast CDU with Dr Doug Shelton (face to face) along with extensive reading.

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