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Formulating a diagnosis and developing a management plan

Information collected during the diagnostic assessment should be reviewed, ideally in a multi-disciplinary team context, to evaluate the strength of evidence to:

  • support a diagnosis of FASD with 3 sentinel facial features or a diagnosis of FASD with less than 3 sentinel facial features; or
  • consider whether the individual is at risk of FASD, requiring reassessment and/or further investigation; or
  • exclude other causes of conditions; and/or
  • assess the potential influence of other exposures and events

Information on co-existing conditions or other syndromes can be found in Appendix D of the Australian Guide to the diagnosis of FASD.

The FASD Diagnostic Assessment Form (Appendix A1) and the Summary Form (Appendix A2) summarise the clinical findings required to make a diagnosis of FASD. 

Discussing the diagnosis and developing a management plan

After the diagnostic assessment, irrespective of the diagnosis, it is recommended that the health professional/s coordinating the diagnostic process:

  • discuss with the individual/parents/caregivers the outcome of the assessments
  • discuss the diagnosis and develop a management plan, incorporating parent/caregiver and patient goals, referrals, management strategies and review dates
  • provide the individual/parents/caregivers with a written report
  • discuss how this information may be important to share with relevant service providers

Further information is available in the Australian Guide to the diagnosis of FASD in Section F: Discussing the diagnosis and developing a management plan and Appendix A3: Australian FASD Management Plan Form, Appendix A6: Inforamtion for clinicians: Issues that individuals and their caregivers may experience during the FASD assessment process and Appendix A8: Inforamtion and resources for clinicians after a diagnostic assessment.

Read more information about developing a management plan.